Today's storytime is brought to you by the letter 'E'. So, on the board when the kids walked in was:
Read Aloud Books
Finally an answer to which came first! Or is it? This was a great book to have the kids predict what was going to happen next (e.g. first the egg, then the...?) which is great for their literacy skills. It was a quick and easy book.
The Golden Egg Book
A classic: what happens when a bunny finds a mysterious egg? I didn't actually read it, I had a flannel story with which to tell the story (see below, under Games & Activities).
The Easter Bunny's Assistant
What do you do when you have an assistant that makes a stink every time he gets excited? This book is way fun to read because you can get really loud and excited right along with the skunk. It asks questions of the reader, too, that the kids can answer. Kids LOVED it and it worked right into our craft.
Songs & Rhymes
Song: Hippity, Hoppity, Easter Bunny
(Tune: Ten Little Indians)
Hippity, hoppity, Easter Bunny,
Hippity, hoppity, Easter Bunny,
Hippity, hoppity, Easter Bunny,
Hopping all around.
Hopping, hopping, oh so quickly,
Hopping, hopping, oh so quickly,
Hopping, hopping, oh so quickly,
Hopping all around.
Hop to the left and then to the right,
Hop to the left and then to the right,
Hop to the left and then to the right,
Hopping all around.
Hopping high, then hopping higher,
Hopping high, then hopping higher,
Hopping high, then hopping higher,
Hopping all around.
Hopping now much more slowly,
Hopping now much more slowly,
Hopping now much more slowly,
Tired Easter Bunny sits down.
(to sing with egg shakers)
We shake our eggs together
We shake our eggs together
We shake our eggs together
Because it's fun to do!
We shake them up high
We shake them down low
We shake them in the middle
Song: Shake, Rattle And Roll
(danced along with our egg shakers!)
Games & Activities
Flannel: Eggs to Dye
I revamped the eggs a little bit from last year, but I told the same story about the Easter Bunny needing help dying his eggs with some rhymes. Kids are quite creative with their rhymes!
Flannel: The Golden Egg Book
This is a flannel for the story in The Golden Egg Book that a coworker let me borrow (I can't take credit for how well-made this flannel is!)
Game: Bunny, Bunny where do you hide?
Decided to hide a bunny this year instead of a chick like last time.
Craft: Egg Dye
After getting the instructions from The Easter Bunny's Assistant on how to decorate eggs (crayons and dye), we did our own version! I had crayons and liquid watercolor out for decorating. It worked out really well (like, it was very similar to actually dying eggs) and the kids had a lot of fun.
Here's the worksheet:

Other Book Ideas
The Easter Egg Farm
Egg: Nature's Perfect Package
The Odd Egg
Click, Clack, Peep!
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