Today's storytime is brought to you by the letter 'N'. So, on the board when the kids walked in was:
Read Aloud Books
The three pigs are sick of being bullied by the wolf! It's time to start ninja training. And this was definitely a favorite! The rhyming scheme is fun, and the story itself is even better. Not only does it stay true to the original tale (so the kids could easily follow along) but has vivid illustrations to really keep kids' attention.
Ninja Red Riding Hood
With all the animals becoming ninjas, Wolf is getting awfully hungry. Perhaps that little girl walking to her grandma's will do. As the sequel to the Ninja Pigs, it really goes without saying that this was well-loved, too.
Ninja, Ninja, Never Stop!
Ninja charge, ninja chop! Ninja ninja never stop. The quick, simple text and rhyming scheme makes this a quick, fun read. The pictures really tell the story, and so it has a great ending. The kids seemed to enjoy it, with some prompting on my part to pay attention to the illustrations.
Songs & Rhymes
Song: If You’re a Ninja and You Know It
(Tune: If you're happy and you know it)
If you’re a ninja and you know it,
Be really quiet. (Shhh!)
If you’re a ninja and you know it,
Be really quiet. (Shhh!)
If you’re a ninja and you know it,
then your face will surely show it.
If you’re a ninja and you know it,
Be really quiet. (Shhh!)
If you’re a ninja and you know it walk on tip toe (tip toe)
If you’re a ninja and you know it say HIYAH (HIYAH!)
(credit: Falling Flannelboards)
I asked the kids and they also came up with:
...take a bow, ...strike a pose, ...spin around
(we avoided fighting poses when I told them
the martial arts are primarily for self-defense ☺)
Action Rhyme:
Ninja, ninja – sneak around.
Ninja, ninja – on the ground.
Ninja, ninja – climb up high.
Ninja, ninja – touch the sky.
Ninja, ninja – jump down low.
Ninja, ninja – touch your toe.
Ninja, ninja – take a bow.
Ninja, ninja – sit on down.
Games & Activities
Game: Simon Says
(I wanted to practice some 'N' vocabulary first)
...rub your neck
...wiggle your nails
...touch your nose
...pat your noggin
...smack your knees
...put on your listening ears and get ready for our first story!
Felt: Five Little Ninjas
Felt: Do you see a ninja?
This idea came from Anne's Library Life:
Do you see a ninja? I do...
To make a ninja, first we need a head.
This one is round and red.
The rectangle will make a space,
Just big enough for a peeking out face.
Next we’ll add two small circles for eyes
And two tiny rectangles, to make our ninja look surprised!

I also took the chance to ask the kids' how the ninja's emotion changes by moving the eyebrows different ways (e.g. angry, confused, happy) like I did in my Emotions & Feelings Storytime.
Craft: Do you see a ninja?
The kids got to make their own ninjas out of simple shapes and practice their letter 'N.' Here's the file I used:

And to top it all off, Corey Rosen Schwartz was nice enough to send "ninjas in training" stickers and bookmarks to go with her two books we read! The kids loved it! Thanks Ms. Schwartz!
Other Book Ideas
Nighttime Ninja
Dojo Daycare
Love your Ninjas. And you are absolutely right - lots of Ninjas appearing in very cute books. Great job ~ jane